Fixed Income And Peace Of Mind
It’s time to make the fixed income investment you deserve. At Tactical Wealth, we want to help you make the secure, stable investments you need to prepare for retirement, build your wealth, and experience peace of mind.
When it comes to fixed income investments, our innovative fund outperforms the competition. With the highest rates possible, holdings backed by real estate, and an established risk mitigation plan, the Fixed Income Fund is the best fixed investment for people of all ages and from all walks of life.
How is the Fixed Income Fund different? That’s simple. Our fund invests in mortgage and trust deed loans which are free from the volatility and unpredictability of the stock market. That means our investors are able to see steady, stable, and high returns on their notes without having to worry about crashes.
Not to mention, our rates are always higher than fixed annuities, bonds, and CDs. Take a look at our fixed annuity rates comparison to see for yourself.
Whether you’re looking for short-term gains or something like a lifetime annuity to provide you with fixed income through retirement, we can help. Download your free fixed income report to see if you quality and make the investment you return today.